“Tony’s ability to work through technical matters and put them down clearly and appealingly is in a class with Martin Gardner’s.”

—Peter Renz, mathematician and editor

A Stroll through Calculus proves just how simple calculus concepts really can be and that the only thing necessary to understand them easily is a little bit of algebra!”

—Student LF

“The magic behind A Stroll through Calculus for me was that its sole intent was to educate a person on the basic foundation of calculus without the assumption of proficiency in advanced algebraic techniques. Recommended for every calculus student? Absolutely!”

—Student BT

“The major thing I noticed in A Stroll through Calculus was a really great way of being able to communicate to the average reader.”

—Student EN

“I wish I had read this earlier, especially during Calculus II, when I was miserably struggling.”

—Student OK

“Tony’s A Stroll through Calculus is required reading in my algebra classes. Not only does the short book give my students a sense of the power of calculus, it empowers them to consider a major that requires calculus.”

—Professor Benjamin Etgen

“It is a lovely book, and I am sure that it will introduce many people to the beauty and utility of calculus. You are a terrific writer.”

—John Thoo, Yuba College

“As you stated at the beginning of your book, ‘calculus is about measuring things and how fast they change’. It is an outstanding statement. Actually, calculus is very important and very useful; however, it is challenging and hard for many students to learn. You started with very simple and popular basic geometries regarding areas, it helps students a lot to understand fully and master the calculus concepts. I like your book very much, and I will read again. Your approach and writing style are different from some regular calculus textbooks. I am sure that many students will find that it is very helpful to them to learn calculus.”

—Xin-Ran Duan, American River College